Tuesday, March 10, 2015

So, I had a recipe for elderberry syrup that did not get made this weekend for my husband.  He was feeling a cold coming on, so this was his final defense.  He is the king of contraptions.  Love you hunny...

On another note, he did not end up becoming sick.  Was it the tissue and sanitizer cubby or was it zinc and vitamin C?  I suppose we will never know.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

2018 Marks a New Era

The feeling you get when something truly amazing happens, happened for me today.  I still feel warm inside when I think about Ringling Bros. ending usage of elephants in the circus.

And the best part is that I can take my son to something beautiful knowing there is far less cruelty involved.  Next step--remove all wild animals from circuses.  Until then, something great happened today, and I look forward to the day when I can visualize this change.  Clearly I am alive in a time when animal cruelty exists, but I am also present when it starts to end.  Walden will be around to see even more change for animals and people alike.

Happy day. ;)

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Here is post one.  Welcome to the daily life in my active son Walden's "puddle" of musings from one granola mama to another...

Today my ten-month-old ironically taught me to slow down, let the light in from the window a bit more, and eat lots of broccoli.
